Good day! 🙂
Administering mock Regents exams provides valuable data for assessing student readiness, building student confidence, and improving student performance on the actual Regents exams. The Portal by New Visions offers support to school leaders and teachers with analyzing mock Regents data.
The latest round of mock Regents, Spring 2024, is now closed. Check back for details about our next mock administration, or reach out to with any questions!
Here's how it works
Step 1: Download exam booklets and New Visions' answer sheets
Leading up to a Regents administration, the Mock Regents page will be updated with the resources you need to administer mock exams. In Spring 2024, we provided exam booklets and answer sheets for six June 2023 Regents (ELA, Alg I, Global, US, Living, and Earth).
Step 2: Administer & score
You administer the mock Regents exams to students, then score the constructed response and essay questions and bubble in points.
Step 3: Scan completed answer sheets to PDF
Using a printer in your school, scan the answer sheets into a single PDF file for each exam (Most printers have a “Scan to PDF” setting).
Step 4: Submit PDF files via form link
Submit your PDF files for each exam to New Visions through the form link in the Mock Regents page. We will let you know when your results are available, typically within 2-3 days.
Step 5: Analyze your results! 🚀
From the Mock Regents page you are able to:
View pass rates by exam, broken down by course-section and subgroup
See which areas, standards, and questions were the most challenging
Quickly identify students who would benefit from small group instruction or additional support