Good day! 🙂
Administering mock Regents exams provides valuable data for assessing student readiness, building student confidence, and improving student performance on the actual Regents exams. The Portal by New Visions offers support to school leaders and teachers with analyzing mock Regents data.
The next mock Regents administration starts in March 2025!
Spring 2025 included exams
The following exams will be available to administer through New Visions, starting in March 2025:
ELA (June 2024)
Algebra I (June 2024)
Algebra II (June 2024)
Geometry (June 2024)
US History (June 2024)
Global History (June 2024)
What about the Science exams?
Given the phase in of the new NYSSLS standards, we will not be offering mock exams in the Sciences this Spring.
For first-time takers sitting for the new NYSSLS Biology and Earth & Space Sciences exam we recommend using New Visions’ interim assessment spreadsheet tools. Learn more here
For repeat takers who you would like to resit for the current Living Environment and Earth Science exams, we recommend analyzing their latest exam results.
Feature overview
After submitting your answer sheets to New Visions, we will scan and process your data, and the following views will become available in the Portal under Mock Regents Results:
Area/Standard Analysis: Identify challenging areas/standards and tailor instructional plans for groups of students.
Question Analysis: Identify difficult multiple-choice questions and the most commonly selected wrong answers to prevent future mistakes.
Student Results: Review individual student performance data to inform conversations with students around their strengths and areas for improvement.
Steps to participate
To participate in Spring Mock Regents, follow these five simple steps. There is no signup required. The timeline below is recommended (we will continue to scan and process data through June).
Step 1: Review training opportunities
Starting now!
Join a Mock Administration Training to learn more about this process and have questions answered ahead of administering mock exams
March 11, 10:00 - 11:00 (Google Meet link)
March 13, 2:00 - 3:00 (Google Meet link)
March 24, 1:00 - 2:00 (Google Meet link)
March 28, 11:00 - 12:00 (Google Meet link)
Step 2: Print New Visions’ materials
Starting Monday, March 10th
Exam booklets and New Visions’ answer sheets will be available in the Portal to download and print starting on Monday, March 10th
You must use the answer sheets provided by New Visions
Step 3: Administer mock exams
March 10th through April 11th
Distribute New Visions answer sheets and exam booklets to students
Students fill in their multiple choice responses and OSIS numbers on the answer sheets
Teachers grade constructed responses and essays, and fill in scores on the same answer sheets
Step 4: Submit answer sheet packets
By Friday, April 11th
Scan answer sheets into a single PDF file for each exam
Submit scanned PDFs to New Visions via the Portal
Step 5: Analyze your data
Starting Monday, April 14th
If you submit data before April 11th, you can expect you results in the Portal on Monday, April 14th
If you submit data after April 14th, you can expect your results in the Portal within 5 business days
Participate in one of our Mock Results Analysis Trainings to learn more about our Portal features for data analysis:
April 15, 10:00 - 11:00 (Google Meet link)
April 17, 2:00 - 3:00 (Google Meet link)
April 28, 1:00 - 2:00 (Google Meet link)
May 2, 11:00 - 12:00 (Google Meet link)