What are Tasks?
Tasks are student-centered action items that can be assigned to either yourself or the relevant team members. These tasks allow you to add descriptions, ensuring clarity and understanding among your team regarding their assigned responsibilities. Additionally, each task is accompanied by email notifications sent to the designated team member responsible for its completion. The email includes the task description, encouraging them to log in to the portal and mark the task as resolved.
How to Create a Task?
When creating a Task, articulate the Task description, allocate it to a category, and designate the responsible person. Please note that staff members without activated portal accounts cannot be assigned to a Task. You also have the option to assign Tasks to yourself.
Creating a Task:
From the My Tasks page:
Choose Create Task from the upper right-hand corner.
From the Data Grid:
Select Batch Actions from the toolbar
Select the student(s) for which you would like to assign the Task
Select Create Task from the toolbar
Define the Task description, assign it a category, and specify the person responsible
From the Student Profile:
Select the Create Task from the toolbar
Define the Task description, assign it a category, and specify the person responsible
How to Complete a Task?
Assigned Tasks generate email notifications for the designated individual, containing a brief Task description. The email prompts the recipient to log in to the Portal and mark the Task as complete from the Task page. All assigned Tasks are accessible in the My Tasks page.
How to View a Task?
From the My Tasks page:
Assigned to me Tasks are accessible through the initial tab located in the upper-left corner
Created by me Tasks are accessible by navigating to the second tab located in the upper-left corner
From the Data Grid:
Unresolved Tasks can be viewed in the column Tasks To Do
This list displays all open Tasks linked to each student, regardless of who is assigned to the Task
From the Student Profile:
All Tasks assigned to a student can be viewed from the Tasks and Notes section
Tasks can be linked, created and marked completed in this section
What are the Tasks permissions?
Who can view a Task?
Active school users with access to the student (i.e. a caseload editor cannot view a Task for a student not in their caseload)
Who can create a Task?
All active school users can create Tasks, including view only users
Caseload editors and caseload viewers are only able to create Tasks for students in their caseload
Who can be the recipient of a Task?
All active school users can receive Tasks, including view only users
Caseload editors and caseload viewers are only be able to receive Tasks for students in their caseload
Who can edit/delete a Task?
The school user who created the Task
Any school admin or delegated school admin, even if they did not create the Task
Who can mark a Task complete?
The recipient of the Task and any school admin or delegated school admin
Who can edit a Task comment?
The school user who completed the Task
Any school admin or delegated school admin, even if they did not complete the Task
Non-school based users can view Tasks but they cannot create or be assigned to Tasks. As such, these users will not see the My Tasks page.