Which screeners are available in the Portal?
The Portal now integrates various formative assessments and social-emotional learning data. This allows educators to identify trends and patterns in student’s performance in key academics across assessments. Screener data can be viewed alongside other data, providing educators with a more holistic picture of students as they think about the appropriate supports needed. . The Portal automatically integrates data from the following screeners:
MAP Growth
Provided by NWEA and updated daily
Includes RIT scores, growth percentiles, State exam predictions and achievement levels
Available for K-6 students and updated daily
Includes Composite Goals and Scores, Benchmark Status and Composite Pathway data
Literacy and math measures are available for each administration period for the current school year
Provided by Curriculum Associates and updated daily
Includes students’ completion date, scaled score, overall placement, relative placement, progress to typical annual growth and stretch annual growth
The Portal also includes students' typical growth progress from Fall to Winter, Winter to Spring, and Fall to Spring
Provided by Aperture and available for K-12 students
Includes student’s overall Social Emotional Composite rating and how they scored on each individual competency
Fountas and Pinnell
User entered data
Set input scores and review student progress in the Data Grid
Review students’ independent scores, instructional scores and identify students who did not meet their F&P level
Data can be reviewed by grade, teacher and special population in order to elevate trends and address emerging gaps