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Graduation projections explained

Learn the ins and outs of how we project a range of possible graduation outcomes for your graduating cohort (NYCPS high schools only)

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The Portal by New Visions provides graduation projections for non-transfer NYCPS high schools. These projections are designed to help school leaders and staff understand the range of possible outcomes for their graduating cohort, informed by actual outcomes of past students, and to quickly hone in on students who need attention.

Here is everything you need to know!

Graduation Projections

Go to Graduation -> Graduation Projections to view projections for your school.

You'll notice three possible outcomes are provided: a conservative outcome, a moderate outcome, and an optimistic outcome. These school-level outcomes are based on individual, student-level likelihood bands assigned to each active student in your graduating cohort. These bands are developed by our analytics team by comparing current students to students with similar credits and Regents progress in past cohorts.

How are likelihood bands generated and assigned?

Currently active high school students are assigned one of the 5 following likelihood:

  • Very Likely

  • Likely

  • ...

How are the likelihood bands used to project graduation outcomes?

Why is this important?

Based on historical data from SY17-18 and SY18-19, New Visions projects that in the absence of a focused effort on graduation outcomes, the citywide graduation rate for high schools will decline by 1-2 percentage points

Uncertainty around increased absenteeism due to federal immigration policy and the lack of practice in addressing unmet Regents needs for seniors might lead outcomes to hit closer to the bottom of the range of projections which would represent about a 4 percentage point decline

In order to avoid a citywide decline, schools will have to engage in focused support and close monitoring of approximately 5000 “graduatable” students to ensure that about 3000 beat the historical odds

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